So the only thing worth writing about is from last weekend, which I guess I should have posted like last Monday, not saturday, lol. So....Last Saturday, we had a special Q & A for all the interns where we had key people from the movie crew talk to us on what their jobs are like, advice, etc. Then we learned how to write a resume to get a film job. It was really helpful!! After that was over around 5:45, I drove home, got the kitty then picked up Melanie and we headed to the cabin to meet my parents for the weekend.
I've stayed at the cabin like 3 times or so already, but it's just so exciting every time! So we got there at around 8pm, relaxed and ate guacamole and worked on this big puzzle sitting on the table. Then we ate yummy tamale casserole and played this card game called Nerts (?) Oh my gosh, it is so addictive! It's like everyone is playing solitaire at the same time, but the games connect because you're playing on eachothers cards. Very fun!
The next morning, we had pancakes and bacon, then got ready to go to Inks Lake. We drove over, very scenic drive, and got to the Devil's Hole (i think that's what it's called) which is this little swimming area. The water was kinda cold and really murky, but it was fun. There were these big rocks that people were jumping off of, but we were too scared to do it.
After swimming we ate a sandwich picnic and then drove back to the cabin. We got back and attached our 2 kayaks on top of the car and then drove to The Marina, this bar/restaurant (like the only place in our little town). It's a really cute place because you can drive your boat up and park and sit outside and eat burgers, ice cream, creme brulee cheesecake, etc. We had pina coladas and played more cards. At night at this place, you have to make reservations. They put nice white table cloths on the tables and then you play a flat price for a 4 course meal! They have steak and everything and cook it on grills outside. Maybe my family will take me there for a birthday dinner next weekend... After our drinks, we drove down to this nice part of the lake. We kayaked around for a little while and then went back to the cabin. When we got there we got a bit mesmerized with the puzzle and became determined to finish it, so Melanie, my dad and I worked until it was done. It sounds so lame, I know, but it's a cozy thing to do in a log cabin. Then we had a very late dinner of filet mignon and pork tenderloin (from like the frozen food section, but they're really good, and cheap!) Before we had dinner, we wanted to make a salad like the Fuji apple salad from Panera (it's sooo tasty!) so we tried making a creamy apple vinaigrette dressing---fail! We no nothing about salad dressing-making. So we combined mayo, sour cream, buttermilk, apple cider vinaigrette (the biggest mistake), salt and pepper, and olive oil. Oh my gosh, I didn't even want to taste it! Melanie tasted it and informed me that it tasted like throw up. Exactly. I tried it, and it did. So instead we made a raspberry vin. which is much easier.
The weekend was pretty fun and relaxing! It's fun seeing Josie wander around the house, because it's so big and much more fun for a cat then my little apartment. So she was so active and played with Molly's tail, ate her dog food, and at one point, almost jumped into a HOT pan full of bacon grease!!! My mom saved her. It was a close one!
So, I leave you with some pictures from the weekend. I'll post again after my birthday, hopefully there'll be some sort of excitement there!
Josie helping dad with the puzzle by chewing on the pieces

Josie enjoys dog food, Molly's not sure how she feels about this
So cute!!
Josie also helps with the dishes
The devil's hole, with the jumping-off rocks behind

Kayaking on lake LBJ
Awe Molly is a lil babbish!! Seems timid around josie!cute! The lake and cabin sound really fabulous,..especially all the food! glad y'all had fun