Soo....Some of you may know that I've been in a pickle lately. During the last week of our lease, Forest's mom (he's the guy living in Nicole's room this summer) came up to the apt to help him move some stuff out. He told her to take his acoustic guitar home for him. Seeing an acoustic guitar sitting in the living room (MINE), she so sweetly took it Nacogdoches! When I was at the apartment in one of the last days, Forest came up to me and said "hey, are you the one who's guitar i have?" I thought, hmm, i'm the only one who has a guitar here, so I said yes. He said "okay" and left. At this point I assumed that meant that he had borrowed my guitar and it was in his room. Later I learned from my brother that his mom had accidentally taken it home! So for the next couple weeks, I waited for Forest to contact my brother, which he said he would do, because he does not have a cellphone for me to call. He did not call Scott. So I got his email address and sent him a nice message trying to sort this thing out. No response. So I sent him a facebook message. No response. I told Scott to find his home number and yell at his mom, but before he did that, luckily, Forest sent me a message saying he was in Oklahoma visiting family and that he would call me on Tuesday (last tuesday) when he got back. Cool, I thought. Only no call came, so finally, last night I messaged him again telling him to please call me on Monday (today). Soooo I just got a call from him. He actually was very apologetic and nice, but this is what he said. He said he's still in OK dealing with fam issues, which is fine. Then he said he sent a friend over to his house to get my guitar, since they are driving to austin and could bring it to me. Only once their friend got to the house, he or she told Forest that there was no extra acoustic guitar at the house. However, there is an extra electric guitar. He asked if my guitar was an electric guitar. "No. It's very much acoustic." He is confused by this. His mom supposedly pointed to this electric guitar and said that it was the one she took from the Duval Apt. Hmmm...I told Forest "so you don't have my acoustic guitar, but you have someone's electric guitar? no one at the apartment has an electric guitar." I told him to call me on Thurs when he gets back home and can personally assess the situation. Either his friend and mom are stupid and don't know how to distinguish an electric and an acoustic guitar, or his mom is taking crazy pills and is guitar swapping at pawn shops or something. Eeeek! Ok, enough of that. I will let you know how this story ends later.
So today I went to the Humane Society in Austin to look at kittens! I want one soooo bad! Darian says he's cool with getting one, but wants it to be my responsibility. They are having a special there this month, where you can adopt any cat for only $35 and they will spay or neuter it for you!! Goood deal! I went in and saw these 3 adorable kittens! They were like blue/gray colored and were sleeping all cuddled together. I asked to play/meet the 2 girls of the group, names Jade and Sapphire. I felt bad waking them up to play with them, cause they looked so peaceful. When the 3 of us got in our little room though...wowzers! The 2 little girls chased and tackled eachother around the room nonstop! It was so cute! I couldn't get them to show any interest in me though, because they were having too much fun with eachother. I tried to get some pictures but they are pretty blurry. Out of the 2, I really like Sapphire. Besides being a little cuter, she is less skiddish and resistant/afraid of me. So I put her on hold until wed. night at 6:30! Darian said I could get her if I want, but i'd prefer if he met her first. So I might have a kitten soon! I wish I could take both so they could be best buds, but it seemed like they might be trouble when put together.
Little Sapphire!! (I think I would change her name if we get her!)

Besides the fact that I have been planning on getting a cat when i moved in here, we have discovered that we have a mouse/mice! Ewww! When I was out of town 2 weekends ago, Darian noticed that our bread bag had a hole eaten into it and the bread had been nibbled at! I came home to the kitchen being filled with all sorts of mice and roach traps. Maybe 7 or 8 total. Since then, there has not been a single caught mouse or roach. But, last week when i was home alone and Darian was at work, I heard all this noise coming from our water heater closet in the kitchen. It sounded like a giant mouse was like working on the water heater or something, it was really loud and creepy. I stood in front of the closet with a broom trying to decide what to do. I wanted the mouse out, but thought that if I opened the closet and one ran out and like across the room where we don't have any traps set, i would have to leave the house! So instead i just hit the door with the broom and the noise stopped. When Darian came home he looked in the closet and noticed that a roach trap he had put right inside the door was gone. With a flashlight, he was able to see that the roach trap had been taken to the back of the closet, torn apart, and the poison had been eaten! So he put another roach trap and a mouse trap in the closet. The next day there was still noise, and later, we noticed that the second roach trap and been moved and also eaten! The mice evidentally have no interest in the mice traps, but love eating roach poison! We were afraid that maybe roach poison doesn't kill mice and instead makes them stronger! But it's been almost a week now and I haven't really heard any more unusual noises. The mice/mouse must have gone off and died. Poor thing. We actually watched part of Fievel Goes West last night so that we wouldn't find mice so scary. Now I feel sad for the little rodent, with all its hopes and dreams and family. Anyways, I think a cat might not be such a bad idea...
So 2 weekends ago I was in Houston dog-sitting while my parents were at the cabin moving more stuff in. I earned quite a pretty penny! It was weird staying at my house all alone, I'd never done it before. And since my parents took my bed to the cabin, I slept in their bed, with the pups in the room. Before I went to bed on Friday, I took Tommy (my grandma's dog who got kicked out of Silverado. I don't know why, he's really sweet, but he does bark sometimes.) out to go potty. He was trying to go behind the grill, and i was telling him not to, then he pounced in these short little bushes and I heard a screech. Then Tommy came trotting out with a bird half his size in his mouth, set it on the pavement, then walked away. The bird twitched and then I guess he died. It freaked me out!! But I didn't want to deal with it yet so i left it out there. I set my alarm to take them out at 7am on Saturday, but they woke me up at 6:30. I scooped the dead bird up in a dust pan, then flung it over the fence, but it didn't go far. I took Molly and Tommy out and they did their business. Then I went back to bed and set my alarm for 9am. I woke up then and went to the dining room where Tommy had thrown up a little and pooped a bunch!! Come on pooch! I hadn't fed them or anything, and it had only been 2 hours! Grr. The next morning i let them out again at 7, then went back to sleep. I was awoken at 8 to the sound of Tommy throwing up beside the bed. Lovely. I yelled at him, he ran away, then i cleaned up the mess and went back to sleep. I woke up at 9 and lucky me! There was more poop and pee in the dining room!!! Way to go Tommy! Grand Slam! I continued to ridicule him all day. It did make it easier to say goodbye to him for the last time on Monday. On Wednesday, my parents drove all the way to Boulder, CO to drop Tommy off with my aunt and uncle who were in Boulder to drop off my cousin at college. Hopefully he will have a good home there. (They had been planning on doing this for a while, the bird, throw-up, poop, and pee wasn't the last straw or anything). Now my parents just have Molly, and she's a well-behaved dog. They can even start taking her to the cabin, and I think that will be really exciting for her! She doesn't travel, ever.
Oooookay! I'm sure I could think of more little things to write about, but I'm pretty sure I've given you enough animal stories to ponder for a while. I will again soon!